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Robson Grieve Interview Page 4


SGN : 11) Can you create players?

Robson : We do have a create player feature, that enables you to make players with complete customizability in terms of skill level and personal attributes (hair, skin colors, height and weight).

SGN : 12) Will having the ESPN Sportsticker slow down the gameplay on average computers? (Pen 166, 32MB of Ram, 28k modem)

Robson : No, it should not slow machines down because the data transfer is so compact.

SGN : 13) Can you break the backboard slamming the ball?

Robson : No.

SGN : 14) Do you think NBA Tonight will provide competition to EA Sports' NBA Live 99? Why?

Robson : Yes, I think it will provide competition for EA Sports and everyone else in the category. The NBA Live series has been great, and I'm sure their new title will also be strong, but we're really trying to establish a different standard.

With the influence of ESPN, NBA Tonight brings a whole new flavor to basketball games that no other game can offer. Hard core gamers are going to love it, but I also think that we're giving basketball fans who haven't yet started playing video games a really great reason to pick it up. Stuart Scott and Dr. Jack are the funniest, most knowledgeable commentators ever in a basketball game. And we're going to give gamers a reason to keep playing and competing with a new AI philosophy that basketball fans are going to recognize as the real thing.

We would like to thank Robson and Lori for their part in this interview. If you have any comments on the interview, e-mail us.

Click here for the NBA Tonight Preview

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