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NFL Fever 2000 (PC) Preview

Product Info
Publisher : Microsoft
Platforms : PC
Release Date : Fall 1999

Product Description
Microsoft Football is an intense and surreal NFL football game that puts you in total control. You control all the action-offense and defense-equipped with tons of moves, from stiff-arming and high stepping, to line stunts and swim moves.

Featuring real NFL teams, players, stadiums and sound effects in a totally immsersive 3-D atmosphere, Microsoft Football is intense and fun to play. With Microsoft Football, you're in the huddle, calling the play, taking the snap, dropping back to pass, making the grab, and running for pay dirt. Scheduled for fall 1999.

Key Features
Real NFL Moves
Moves are modeled based on digital motion-capture data from real football players performing real football moves. A few of the authentic NFL moves you'll see include: jukes, spins, speed bursts, stiff arms, power tackles, clotheslines, and more.

Fast, Hard-Hitting Action
Tackles are designed to look and feel realistic when players collide. Tackle animations incorporate the body movements of players after they hit and get hit.

On-Field NFL Atmosphere
Players talk, trash-talk, taunt and celebrate like they do in a real NFL game.

NFL Teams, Stadiums, Players, and Playbooks
Real NFL plays and playbooks for all 31 NFL teams. All the stadiums, including the new homes of the '99 Cleveland Browns and Tennessee Titans.

Play Editor (Offense Only)
Design offensive plays easily, import them into your playbook, and share them over the Internet.

Weekly NFL Internet Updates
Updated stats and ratings are available during the NFL season each week for download to enhance the realism of the game, and simulate the ability to play along with the real NFL season.

Real NFL Sportscast
Features real-time play-by-play commentary of NFL on FOX sportscasters Dick Stockton and Matt Millen.

Release Date: Fall 1999

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