James' Madden 2002 PC Settings Sports Gaming Network http://www.sgn.cc 8/25/01 All Pro 7 Minute Quarters The numbers after each category indicates how many notches from the far left it is. AI Human Offense QB Accuracy +0 Pass Blocking +4 Receiver Catching +0 Running Ability +7 Run Blocking +6 AI CPU Offense QB Accuracy +0 Pass Blocking +4 Receiver Catching +0 Running Ability +6 Run Blocking +7 AI Human Defense Awareness +10 Pass Knockdowns +10 Interceptions +3 Break Blocks +3 Tackling +5 AI CPU Defense Awareness +10 Pass Knockdowns +10 Interceptions +2 Break Blocks +4 Tackling +5 Special Teams Human Field Goal Length +8 Field Goal Accuracy +7 Punt Length +8 Punt Accuracy +7 Kick Length +6