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Robson Grieve Interview Page 3


SGN : 8) Will the game have a career mode?

Robson : No

SGN : 9) How realistic is the gameplay? (Any chance of scoring 100+ points with an average player in a 8 or 12min game like in NBA live 98?)

Robson : We really want fun gameplay, but we're also stressing realism. While the scores might not be exactly comparable to a real NBA game, I don't think you'll see any scoring overloads.

SGN : 10) Is there going to be a button on the controller or keyboard to call a timeout without having to press esc?

Robson : Yes, there will be a timeout button that enables gamers to stop the clock, lessen fatigue of players, and make substitutions. Timeout will also give the home team's crowd a boost in volume if the score is close or if they're pulling away.

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